न्यूजीलेन्ङ 2017 आम चुनाव के लिए आपकी मार्ग दर्शिका हिन्दी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं में
Your guide to the 2017 New Zealand General Election in Hindi and many more Indian languages
डाउनलोड के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
2017 New Zealand General Election fact sheets are available in 26 languages including Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi and many more .. .. |
न्यूजीलेन्ङ 2017 आम चुनाव मे मतदान करें। चुनाव का दिन शनिवार 23 सितंबर है। मतदान सोमवार 11 सितंबर से शुरू होगा।
मतदान करना उन मुद्दों पर अपनी राय देने का एक महत्वपूर्ण तरीका होता है, जिनसे आप, आपके मित्र और आपका परिवार प्रभावित होता हैं। जब आप मतदान करते हैं तो आप उन लोगों और दलो को चुनते हैं संसद मॆं आपका प्रतिनीनिधित्व करेंगे और जो आपके जीवन को प्रभावित करने वाले निर्णय लेंगें। इस वर्ष के चुनाव में नामांकन और मतदान करके आप यह सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं कि आपकी आवाज़ सुनी जाए।
Every 3 years, New Zealand has a general election. If you’re enrolled, you can vote.
Not enrolled yet? Enrol now
The next New Zealand general election is in 2020. अगला न्यूजीलेन्ङ आम चुनाव 2020 में होगा. The date for election day hasn’t been announced yet.
Your voting information pack
If you’re enrolled by about a month before election day, you’ll get a voting information pack in the mail. The pack tells you:
- how to vote
- who the candidates and political parties are
- when you can vote
- where to find voting places near you.
You’ll also get an EasyVote card that makes voting quicker on the day.
When can you vote?
Voting starts 2 weeks before election day and ends at 7pm on election day, so you’ve got plenty of time to vote.
On election day, voting places are open from 9am to 7pm.
If you want to vote before election day, the opening hours might be different. Check this page closer to election time for the opening hours of voting places near you.
Where do you go to vote?
Voting places open across New Zealand, so everyone has a chance to vote. We’ll publish the locations about 3 weeks before election day.
Voting is quicker if you vote in the area where you live. However, if you’re away from where you usually live, you can vote at the nearest voting place.
What do you take with you when you vote?
Take your EasyVote card with you when you vote. If you haven’t got a card or forget it, you can still vote.
You don’t need to take ID.
If you need help to vote, you have some options: Get help to vote
What happens when you get to a voting place?
When you arrive to vote, someone will be there to guide you and answer your questions.
Give your EasyVote card to the person issuing voting papers. They’ll find your name on the electoral roll and give you a voting paper.
If you don’t have an EasyVote card, you’ll be asked for your name and address, and finding you on the electoral roll may take a bit longer.
Once you get your voting paper, you take it to a voting screen where you can vote privately.